Reading List

Waldorf Education

Rudolph Steiner Education, L. Francis Edmunds
Waldorf Education, C. Clouder and Martyn Rawson
Education Towards Freedom,  F Carlgren, Lanthorn Press
Free to Learn, Lynne Oldfield
Lifeways, Davy and Voors
Lifeways II, Smith and Schaefer

Early Childhood

Work and Play in Early Childhood, Freya Jafke
The Incarnating Child, Joan Salter
Childhood, C. von Heydebrand
Phases of Childhood, Bernard Lievegood
The Genius of Play, Sally Jenkinson
You are your Child’s First Teacher, Rahma Baldwin
Who’s Bringing Them Up? Martin Large
The Challenge of the Will, Margaret Meyerkort
A Guide to Child Health, Michaela Gloeckler
The Way of the Child, A. C. Harwood
Ready to Learn, Martyn Rawson

Festivals and Activities

All Year Round, A. Druitt, C. Fynes-Clinton, M. Rowling
Festivals, Families and Food, S. Fitzjohn, M. Weston, J. Large
Festivals Together – A guide to multicultural celebration, S Fitzjohn, M Weston & J Large
Earthwise,  C Petrash
Painting with Children, Brunhild Muller

Books by Rudolph Steiner

The Education Of The Child
The Child’s Changing Consciousness